Friday, May 1, 2009

So I went and spent a good $10 to take the hair blog to a new domain. The Crowned Chronicles will no longer exist. Fret not, my lovelies. You will not need to update your bookmarks because they will automatically be redirected.

I think I like Loc Rocker a lot better than The Crowned Chronicles. Loc Rocker is more me! A new layout is soon to come and I already have 7 drafts of good hearty posts comin' up.

'Told yall I was serious about taking better care of the hair blog. Thank you for bein' with me on this journey thus far.

Whatever "thus" means. HA!!

Peace and loc've


Amina said...

great things are happening! I'll stay tuned

Bsquared86 said...

WOOT! You are amazing! Go girl!