Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sisterlocks vs. Traditional locs

There's division in everything, right? Even in the loc'd community. It's ridiculous if you ask me. But I can't lie....it has been something I've thought about.

One of the reasons why I considered Sisterlocks is because I thought it would be a quicker and neater way to loc my hair. Sisterlocks are also a lot smaller and seem to provide a great deal of versatility. Not saying that traditional locs aren't but Sisterlocks are closer to looser hair and you can do a lot more with them. I think?? And even after a few months of having locs I would always say, "The next time I loc, I'm doing Sisterlocks."

I don't really want them anymore. Not because they aren't gorgeous but I actually like the look of larger traditional locs. It's a personal thing, I suppose.

Are Sisterlocks more professional?
Are traditional locs not as attractive?

Who gives a crap. Locs are locs. The end.

But check out the article...

Very interesting, uh? What do y'all think?


Anonymous said...

We all have our personal style, and it is amazing that locs can be molded to fit whatever style you prefer. Some like it really tiny, some like it thick, freeform, maintained, etc. That's one of the reasons I enjoy locking, there's not just "one" way to start it. When I first started my locs they were REALLY small and tiny, which I thought I loved at first, but then during my loc journey i decided to combine ALL of them so they can form into THICKER and BIGGER locs...and now i'm glad to say that they have the thickness i've wanted! I never really liked the look of Sisterlocks because, at least to me, they don't look like locs, I love the volume and thickness of traditional locs that Sisterlocks just don't have. But like you said, it is a personal thing, and locs are locs, regardless. Thanks for the "acceptable locs" article...I still find it odd that there's a strong divide between what's "acceptable" and what's not when it comes to locking.

Piph said...

I like the traditional locs as well. They're HUNDREDS of dollars cheaper, too. :)

Nickelicious said...

I also started with sisterlocs and almost a year into the journey, I combined my locs for a thicker look.....and even after that, I ended up taking them out and starting over because I wanted even thicker locs LOL. With that being said, there is a huge difference in both styles of locs, but depending on who you ask, one could be better than the other.

NubianLockedPrincess said...

When I saw SL for the first time I fell in love. I always wanted locs, but I was turned off buy the limited styles that I could have with them.

When I finally got them, I was in my glory until I started having issues with my own locs and my consultant. I too had the pleasure of meeting some women with SL at a meet up. There was a snobbish aroma in the air. One being the mediator of lockItUp yahoo group. It was so much Bull shit going on at lockItUp, I closed my membership and decided to make you-tube vids for women who wanted SisterLock like locs. People call me the SL rebel.As I see it, anyone should have the opportunity to have any size locs they want without being forced to spend outrages amounts of money for them. Trust me, It is time consuming to place the locs in ones head, but not for $600 that I paid for 2" of hair.

I love traditional locs, but I wanted a little versatility and I do enjoy working out and shampooing my hair without worrying about re-twisting.

I combine a lot of my locs. Thay are still small, but not as small as traditional SL.

At the end of the day, SL is another method to obtain dreadlocks and a vehicle to help permed women to transition into the natural world. They are no special than any other method of locs. In my opinion the cult like behavior behind the name is a disgrace and further hinders the sisterhood between black women.

A.N. Lewis said...

Hmm...I wasn't even aware my article had gone up let. It was a touchy subject which I found difficult to approach. Thanks for linking to my article though, I'd be interested in people's feedback.

B said...

Lumina, that's you? I saw the name but didn't connected the dots. I think you did a GREAT job with the article without any biases.

Felicia said...

Locs are locs!!! Small, medium or large!!! Being accepted is in the head of the loc-wearer!!! Who cares what others think of locs? Why start more separation within our own community? I wear sisterlocks, but I maintain them myself. The look was simply my preference. All natural hair is beautiful to me. If you're a snob before locks, you'll probably be a snob afterwards as well!!!

The Woman Inside said...

I have Sisterlocks and I have had 3 NATURAL haired women comment on loving my hair but I still got the ‘but I would never lock myyyyy hair’ look and comment from them lol. So no matter how we started them, we all locked and have to deal with society as such. Whatever, I love my hair and if others do or do not accept it, oh well. This is my life and I have to live it for myself.

I personally love the small size of my locs, I love the styles that I can create now and later and they are easy to dry. But that is not to say that there are not issues i.e. having dry scalp as my scalp adjusts to me not putting any type of moisturizer or oil…notta in it. (that is suggested with SL)

As for encountering snobs, I have found several in the natural hair community at large. My husband and I just ran into a natural hair group having a gathering and there I was smiling away and they looked at me and my family like we were crazy. Oh well. I have chatted with so many wonderful women in the blogging/internet community that it makes up for the few negative monsters.

dcford said...

i think both types of locs look gorgeous in different people, as long as they are healthy and happy :) but what irks me about sisterlocks is the fact that the creator "patented" them, forcing you to rely on a professional loctician for maintenance. to me, that goes against the very foundation of locs! ive done my own locs for 8 years now and i find it empowering that they are healthy, beautiful, and i am fully capable of doing them myself (and have had a lot of fun finding my own favorite products!)...and i save a lot of money! but i definitely dont knock anyone who opts for sisterlocks :)

Anonymous said...

On a sidenote here, i think both "traditional locs" and sisterlocs have a lot of versatility with styles. I'm not sure why people think that traditional locs are limited when it comes to styling, you can cornroll them, flat twist them, crink and curl them, create funky styles with them, how is that not versatile? Locs in general are so style-friendly regardless of size! :)

V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

I admit this is a touchy subject. I don't know why people would think that some locking methods are better than others. Like you said a loc is a loc. I think it's the type of people, that is just how they are, they probably act that way all the time, not just dealing with locks. For example who wears better clothes, shoes purses. Unfortunately I have had incidents with some of my own family( at a family reunion) who has locks(Sisterlocks). I would ask them questions, admiring their locks and they would look at me like I was crazy, not too mention that I have Sisterlocks as well. So I think the attitude comes form the person's personality, not really steming from which locks are better. I love all types of locks! I also love traditional locks. However I got Sisterlocks because of their size and the no need of products to lock the hair. Anyhow I have a feeling this will always be an ongoing debate. Can't we all just get along? And embrace our natural hair they way we decide, in unity?

Thanks for posting the article by the way,

Take Care

~Just BLESS~ said...

Oh wow! Thanks for opening my eyes to this...I had no idea this was even going on in Loc'World.

At any rate, I just think that we spend too much time worrying about others' choices. I love the versatility of our hair period, no matter which style it's in.

Zayna said...

Hey B and las otras chicas!

I have traditional loc and I like both-
But I suspect that my loctician =who I love= is also a bit of a S. locs snob. When I first went to her she basically wanted to cut all my trad. locs off and start some SLs. Not to mention throwing in a couple of SL on the sides. Um-which I combined-since my last appointment. LOL.

I'm happy to be natural and I'm happy for all the other women who are too! So lets not hierarchy (That's the last thing us Afro-queens need-don't we get it enough from the outside???) When will we ever learn? Let's just be free : )

Sheena Wilkins said...

I don't understand what the big deal is? I do love the sisterlocks, but I have traditional locks. I did considered switching to sisterlocks, but it cost so much money. I have learned sisterlocking method, and I have used it on my hair, but I learned that I am more comfortable with twisting. I think when it comes to determing which locs are better sisterlocs or traditional locs. It depends on the person. Does that peron pefer sisterlocs or tradition loc? Is that person willing pay the cost for sisterlocs? With locs I think it is the case that just because it works for one person does not mean it for some else whether its sisterlocs or traditional locs.


Angela said...

I love the fact that "WE" can wear our hair anyway we choose and it looks fabulous! We are the only ones who can. Either straight, wavy, kinky, curly, afro, locs, braids, weaved out, wigged out etc.... I have been natural for over 2 years and have had sisterlocks for 1 year. Personally in my opinion the snobbish behavior tends to come with the territory when dealing with shared interest groups. ie natural hair community, sororities, fraternities etc... Some people simply feel the group in which they belong is "better". Some relaxed sistas look down on natural hair women and vice versa. However, we need to overcome that and remember we are united and in this together. We need to love and respect each other. We are all beautiful in every shade, shape and hair texture.

Angela said...


Please don't be disappointed (irked) that Dr. Cornwell patented sisterlocks. "WE" often neglect to patent our ideas that in turn get stolen by the masses. Just take notice to the other hair care companies that are creating "natural hair" products. Believe me they are taking notice because african american women spend billions of dollars yearly on products. They do not want to miss out on that revenue. I am just hoping we continue to support the Talia Waajid's, Carol's daughters, miss jessies etc. We have the power to bankrupt the asian hair market and generate that money in african american companies. It is about time we learn that "WE" have to take care of ourselves and our communites. Sorry for the long comment (-:

Blaquegoddess said...

I have had both sisterlocks and traditional locks and prefer my traditional locks by far! You can brush them and get scalp stimulation unlike sisterlocks. Traditional locks are yes hundreds of dollars cheaper. My question is why did Joanne come up with such an expensive process if not to be a natural hair industry pimp like the perm&burn folks?

NatuRhoFlo said...

OH EM GEE....i had noooo idea!! I have been SL'ed for about 2-3 months and absolutely LOVE IT! I also absolutely LOVE traditional locks and unashamedly admire them up close and afar LOL....i chose SL after a long back n forth process of my lifestyle, the look i wanted and just personal preference....i've had many traditionally locked sisters give me the cold shoulder AFTER my SL's were installed...not sure what that was about but i dont treat anyone any different....i have found myself more curious about the loc world and various lock methods..i had no idea there were soo many and i had to embrace my ignorance to understand in wisdom that GOOD HAIR is healthy hair no matter what type of loc...if your locs look old and saggy then ugh...but if its upkept and you can razzle dazzle with accessories then i love them all!!!