Monday, April 26, 2010

Me + My Locs=?

Well y'all, this may be the last post I do about my hair in a while. I'm just in one big rut and I'm going to have to stay there and sulk silently. And I'm not even being all dramatic this time around. I'm really not digging the locs too much right now.

But don't worry...I'm not going to cut them off. I did the one thing that always makes me feel better about my hair.

That's right dammit. I promised myself that I wouldn't color them until the married locs completely loc'd but whatever. And it's not like I went out and got this color. I received a sample of it to review for Clumps of Mascara and that box kept staring at me, y'all. Aaaand, I haven't done an all over color since what? October? Come on...that's pretty good for a color-obsessed fool like myself.

I know I said I wanted to go red but hmmmm....not really. Red all over? Hmm...yeah. But I was desperate for some action in my hair so I applied the color. It got red FAST. Fast, y'all. I took my girl Ness' advice and did an herbal rinses. I grow herbs but don't grow rosemary so imagine my surprise when I found out that my grocery store sells herbs. They ain't fresh, locally grown or organic but they'll do.

Brewed 'em and threw in some lavender drops, let it chill and used it as my last rinse. It.was.amazing! Will be doing these rinseses a lot often.

Check out this new growth!!

Mind you I re-twisted a good two weeks ago. Craziness! And what is this?

LOL! It's straight hair. So funny. I decided not to re-twist. The red is okay. I'm not in LOVE with it but it'll do. I still plan to go lighter and do some streaking but my loctician will be doing all that. In the meantime, this will work.

My face says it all. I've got like 2 inches of afro hair all over. It's just...funky and I don't know if I like it.

These rubber bands freak me out. But not more than the 2-strand twist lookin' locs. However, this weekend they didn't bother me too much. It feels good to be re-acquainted with the loose natural hair at the roots. If I wanted to BC right now, I'd have a nice sized TWA to work with. The freeform look is refreshing. I kinda like it. But then again, during the weekend, I am completely boho chic. I think I'll have to re-twist the front for work.

I've also divorced a lot of my married locs. Some were larger than I liked. And now I've got a head full of thin locs and thick locs. Crazy. But I don't care. Goodbye uniformity. Hello un-decisiveness. I'm not diggin' the thin locs but the larger locs aren't making me happy either.

Whatev. I need to sit down somewhere, leave my hair alone and call it a day.

Like Mrs. Honey Dip says, "Who says hair isn't emotional?" It is, y'all. But like everything in life, you have to learn to take it in stride and do what makes you happy.

Say goodbye to pics of my locs for awhile. The next few posts, we're going to focus on other thangs.

Stay tuned! And as always, thanks for the love and unconditional support. Loc Rocker is supposed to be helpin' y'all but your comments and emails have REALLY been helping me too. Awww...*group hug*

My corny!