Friday, May 28, 2010

Loc Style: The Atlanta

Yes, I name my styles. Don't be laughin' at me. LOL! I don't know why but this look reminds me of Atlanta. So friggin' random...I know. Anyway---with summer coming up, I am ALL about up-do's and learning how to do them. It's just too dang on hot to have locs on my neck and in my face. Remember, y'all...I live in Florida. Even walking outside to your car can have your face drenched in sweat. Not to mention, I'm not used to having hair this long. I've been natural for 5 years but my hair always grew up and was never in my face. This is new. So here's what I did...

A basket weave in the back...

I'm getting better at basket weaving. It really isn't THAT hard. I'm just so much of a perfectionist that I will re-do it a good 4 times just to make sure it looks decent.

Then there are two flat twists on one side. I secured both with rubber band. I gently retwisted the locs in the front. Everything else haven't been retwisted since the devil was a boy. HAHA!!! 

And then I swooped left over to the other side. Kind of like a "waterfall" affect.

This look would have been 1,099x mo' cuter if it weren't for those ugly behind rubber bands. Yep, I'm still going through combining woes. I just don't like the way my locs look anymore. It's my fault really. I mean, no one told me to combine and secure the ends with rubber bands. And I've combined so many that if I don't secure them with bands, I'll have A LOT of 2-headed dragons. And I really don't like those, y'all. Up do's make me feel better about myself because I don't have to see AS many of those stupid rubber bands.

Okay, enough of my complaining. That's why I've staying away from featuring my own locs for awhile because I'm just not happy about them. Anyway!!! The Atlanta is definitely a functional style that can last a good 3-4 days. I've got another up-do called Waiting to Exhale (oh boy...wait 'til you hear the story on that one!) that I'll feature it soon. Sans my my locs suck attitude. Hehe!!

Other Styles I've done:
-Curly lochawk
-My First Up-do
-The Crown
-Professional bun thingie
-Humpy pinned