Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Bomb Weave

Life jumped up like..139 points when I first discovered Tumblr. Let's just say it doubled that when I found out that one of the chicas I follow has a Martin Tumblr. Martin is by far one of my favorite shows. My sister and I regularly quote from any episode at any given moment.

Who remembers this one?

Excuse me while I pass out from laughing. Something tells me that such a style was probably THE style back in the 90's. Whatcho wanna bet?


Anonymous said...

HaaHaHa!! I have all the Martin seasons on DVD!!! LOL

Cynthia said...

Yes, the one where Gina gave Myra a perm and didn't use neutralizer!!! lol

Amina said...

I looove Martin too!

JustineofQueens said...

I can't...! I can't...! I've been watching this moving image for the past 5 minutes now. I'm in tears.

Unknown said...

You are cracking me up with this episode!! I love Martin and will never get tired of the show. Hubby and I crack up like it's the first time every watching.

ChaNaNa, with all her hairstyles. What about the one episode Gena had to work in her hair shop. She hooked up Gena with those twist. Lol!!!

Anonymous said...


LaKisha said...

Martin is byfar the best sitcom of the 90's! I love myself some Dragon Fly Jones. LOL