In case you needed to see the horror that was Part I, brace yourself and click here. I've learned a lot since then. Hit the jump to see my new and improved edition of the pipe cleaner curls.
Simply put, I LOVED the outcome. And it took only an hour to curl all of the locs. I use Organics Root Stimulator Loc & Twist gel, my preferred twisting agent. Removal of the pipe cleaners were super easy. And so was styling! I did a mohawk for the longest. A week later, the curls started to drop. But I ran into a huge problem.
The curls kept running into my face. Which bothered the mess out of me. I blame myself. I curled the locs in the front in the wrong direction and so I ended up with a bang. Which was cute when the locs were super tight. But as they loosened up, they drove me bananas. But I rocked the curls anyway.
Pretty funny how some locs went completely straight though.
Buuuut, after almost 2 weeks I missed the straight locs and so back I went.
Random but don't sleep on the Infusium 23 leave-in conditioner. I've been using it for a good 3 months and I have noticed a serious boost in the growth department.
So yes, the pipe cleaner curls rock. And they would probably last forever if I didn't wash them out. I'll give them a whirl again. I can't wait to see how they look when my hair gets longer. I think they look phenomenal on longer locs.
Have you tried pipe cleaner curls on your locs yet? Love it or hate it?

I have actually twice and loved the outcome. My first try, the curls were great. My second time...they had to fall to look nice (curled them the wrong way) but I enjoyed the change. I am going to try sponge rollers this weekend just to see how they will come out. I love being able to try different styles on my locs!!...Love your site!! :)
Very Nice.
I plan to do doing curls next for the New Year...I use loc loops though. I wonder if my hair is too long for pipe cleaners.. the curls are different.
The curls look beautiful! I've done the pipe cleaner curls a couple of times myself and I love them. The curls last me about a month. I even rock the pipe cleaners in my hair for a couple of days before taking them down. My hair is black so it blends in nicely and looks like a little afro/bantu knots.
The curls look great! I've wanted to try this for a while now and after seeing your pics, makes me want to do it even more!
Love it! It's my preferred way of wearing my locs.
Looks good! I have yet to try pipe cleaners although I may need 1000 of them to curl my locks. Lol! :D
Soulgroovy---> LOL, glad to know I'm not the only one that curled them the wrong way. You just get in the zone when you're curling.
The Wanderer---> A friend of mine gave me some loc loops and I think I'll try those next. It is a different kind of curl. A looser one, I think.
Test---> I SO wanted to keep the pipe cleaners in for a while but because my hair is light brown in some places, it just look bad. Real bad. One of these days I'll dye my locs black and rock the pipe cleaners!
EB---> They would look gorgeoussss in your hair!
Chi P---> I think I'm going to do them again in a few weeks.
rmcandlelight---> Whaaaat! You haven't tried them either? Hop to it! I would love to see them in your hair!
You gotta tell us what you did differently! It looks really, really good -- share tips!
Very pretty and I am digging the Christmas nails too honey. Super fly!
Love you in curls!!! I must try that...
Hooray for second chances! Your curls looked great. Can't wait until my locs are long enough to even consider wrapping around a pipe cleaner! Also, your hair IS really growing.
Pipe cleaner curls are my favorite loc style!
Yours are beautiful!! I'm glad you like them. I told you that you would.
I tried pipe cleaners for the first time a couple weeks ago and have enjoyed the outcome! I also received many compliments from others. I will be updating my Fotki with pics soon.
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