Thursday, May 5, 2011

Vote for me!

I totally stole this from Clumps of Mascara but the message is still the same. Help me win, y'all!

Not because I'm running for President. The White House so isn't ready for me. *flips hair* 8)
No no no, darlings. It's not that. It's Target Beauty's Biggest Fan contest. I messed around and entered it. Can you believe that? I'm a low key kind of gal and very rarely do contests that require begging people to vote for you. But who knows! I just may win. 20 selected entries will be selected to proceed to the next stage. And from there, FOUR will win a $500 gift card to Target. If I win, a percentage of my winnings will go to the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida. So what do ya say?
You can vote for me once a day until May 17th. Tell your friends, family, dogs and cats. Let's get Clumps of Mascara to the White Hou--errr, next round. Hit the image below to vote. Thanks for the support!